⏰I am NOT a morning person, but…

🌅Early morning practices did something for my soul.⁠..

Can you smell this photo? Yes? Great. Come with me…

I can VIVIDLY remember the feel of the morning dew on my ankles as I walked through the outfield, the mist over the open field behind the back fence. It was still quiet.

I can practically FEEL the warm air of the pool deck hitting my face, the chlorine burning through my nostrils as I tentatively stepped along the wet tiles. The sun still hadn’t risen yet.

I can HEAR the squeak of my sneakers on the freshly waxed wooden court of my high school gym before we turned on the fans for our summer two-a-day practices. It was already warm at only 8am.

Something about those moments, those memories had a profound impact on me.

Those moments were why I did it–the hard stuff that followed.

Those moments were my reward.

Those moments are my motivation.

Those moments right before everything got started.

Now listen: I am NOT a morning person. I wake up begrudgingly, slowly, grumpily, and require 9 hours of sleep a night. Any less and I am even more of those things.

But early morning practices did something for my soul.

The feelings those moments evoke are why I love fitness, sports, moving my body, sweating, doing the hard parts.

Sure, there’s nostalgia. (No dental insurance or elections to worry about, FTW.)

But more than that, there’s…

  • HOPE for the upcoming practice & me getting better
  • EXCITEMENT about the sports I love playing with my friends & teammates
  • CALM because I know this is the only place I’m supposed to be; no to-do lists or multi-tasking
  • PRIDE for my commitment despite it being challenging, exhausting, and time-consuming
  • CONFIDENCE about my ability, belonging, and strength

I knew what was to come, and I was ready for it.

Please notice how NONE OF IT is about the squats, the laps, the running. (oh my god, so much running, for whyyyyy?!?!?)

What got me inspired, motivated, and committed to doing the things I did NOT love (wall sits, on your tip toes, with your arms out straight in front of you), and even things I did actually HATE (Indian Runs; I’m sure that’s an offensive name, but that’s what it was called), was THE FEELINGS I had about what I was getting ready to do.

Because I needed no motivation to do the things I loved (the actual sport part of practice).

So when you’re looking for motivation to actually do the movement you put on your calendar, maybe you need to look to your emotions for inspiration.

Don’t expect any excitement about glute bridges. It will not come. They are NOT exciting.

The excitement, confidence, pride doesn’t come from external things.

It comes from inside of you.

YOU have to find what is exciting TO YOU.

YOU have to create confidence within yourself by doing the thing.

YOU have to discover what makes you proud, and then give it to yourself.

What are you looking forward to about your next movement session?



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