Hop Off the Fitness Swingset: Forcing Exercise & Then Avoiding It? Find Intuitive Fitness

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A post shared by Deanna Beaton ☆ Non-diet Personal Trainer (@deannabeaton)

If a 👶kid is being pushed on a swing, do you 🫵blame them that they just keep going ↔️ back and forth?⁠

No, of course not! That’s literally what swings do!⁠

Do you tell them they just need to 👩‍⚖️ find the discipline to 🛑 stop the pattern of the swing?⁠

No! What does that even mean?!⁠

Someone has to 🏫 teach the kid how to jump off mid-air (oh, to be young again…) or ask the person to 🫷 stop pushing, or else they’ll be stuck swinging forever.⁠

This quiz will teach you exactly what to do to hop off the swing and get out of that pattern!⁠

When you recognize this pattern–and not just YOUR pattern–but a completely understandable, expected, logical, and it even follows the laws of physics kind of pattern that applies to everyone in most behavioral circumstances…⁠

…that’s when you can start to see, “Hey, maybe I’m not the problem here!” and you can give yourself the compassion you deserve.⁠

Take the quiz here & see your results!⁠
Comment “SWINGSET” 👇️below & I’ll send you the free quiz!⁠

#nondiet #mindset #motivation #healthyhabits⁠ #intuitivemovement #intuitiveeating #bodyneutrality #bodypositivity #bodyacceptance #joyfulmovement #goals #coaching #fitness

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