Fitness Priorities Pyramid

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A post shared by Deanna Beaton ☆ Non-diet Personal Trainer (@deannabeaton)

📆How long will it take to reach your fitness goal?🏆️⁠

I made this handy little infographic for you!📊⁠

This is NOT a hard science, but rather an art🎨 AND some science.🧪⁠

I created this based on a few things:⁠
🔺Transtheoretical Theory of Change⁠
🏋️‍♀️Fitness Periodization Programming⁠
♻️Theories of Habit Formation⁠
🌀Cycles & Seasons Theories⁠
⌛️Lived experience of me & my clients⁠

The time lengths listed are not hard and fast, either. Rather, they’re general guidelines, and basically the minimum amount of time it takes to be proficient at that level.⁠

What does it mean?⁠

It takes about 3 months to make a fitness habit:⁠
To add some sort of regular, planned exercise to your weekly schedule, it will take about 3 months before it feels like a habit.*⁠

*There is a lot of nuance to what actually is/is not/can/cannot be a habit, which I’ll spare you today.⁠


👇️Comment “GOAL” below👇️ ⁠
& I’ll send you the full 💌SWAK Newsletter all about it!⁠

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