View this post on InstagramA post shared by Deanna Beaton ☆ Non-diet Personal Trainer (@deannabeaton)
Do I think intentional weight loss is the wrong goal?
I do. For these reasons, among others: science.
Do I think exercise is the wrong tool to get to the goal of weight loss?
Again, I do. For these reasons, among others: science.
Do I think exercise is the right tool for some goals? (I’m so glad you asked.)
I DO!!! For these reasons, among others: science.
Ready to get moving and find fitness that fits FOR YOU?!
Follow the link in my bio to learn how to work with me 1-on-1.
#bodyconfidence #intuitiveeating #bodydiversity #healthateverysize #haes #nondiet #personaltrainer #nondietpersonaltrainer #plussizepersonaltrainer #fatpersonaltrainer #fatpositive #fatandfit #fitness #fitlife #bodyneutrality #bodypositivity #fitnessforeverybody #fitnessjourney #joyfulmovement #intuitivemovement #inclusivefitness #bodyliberation #antidiet #ditchthescale #dietculturedropout #selfcare #bodyimage #fitnessforall @deannabeaton