Your Problem Is Never YOU

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A post shared by Deanna Beaton ☆ Non-diet Personal Trainer (@deannabeaton)

If you’ve never worked with a coach before, you should know this: we don’t just give you the answers.⁠

We don’t have them.⁠

You do.⁠

But we do have a perspective that you don’t. (And vice versa.)⁠

And we do know that YOU. AREN’T. A. PROBLEM. TO. BE. FIXED.⁠

But YOU have to know that.⁠

And you come to know that by learning it in whatever way your journey unfolds for you.⁠

And a coach is there alongside you, for a short time, on your journey.⁠

To make sure you keep following your journey, instead of quitting because you are convinced you are the problem.⁠

Because you’re not.⁠

Looking for a 💥revolutionary💥 re-imagining of movement?!⁠

Intuitive Fitness Coaching might be for you.⁠

I help women and non-binary folks find fitness that fits for you!⁠

DM me “Intuitive Fitness” to learn more.⁠

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