View this post on InstagramA post shared by Deanna Beaton ☆ Non-diet Personal Trainer (@deannabeaton)
If a 👶kid is being pushed on a swing, do you 🫵blame them that they just keep going ↔️ back and forth?
No, of course not! That’s literally what swings do!
Do you tell them they just need to 👩⚖️ find the discipline to 🛑 stop the pattern of the swing?
No! What does that even mean?!
Someone has to 🏫 teach the kid how to jump off mid-air (oh, to be young again…) or ask the person to 🫷 stop pushing, or else they’ll be stuck swinging forever.
This quiz will teach you exactly what to do to hop off the swing and get out of that pattern!
When you recognize this pattern–and not just YOUR pattern–but a completely understandable, expected, logical, and it even follows the laws of physics kind of pattern that applies to everyone in most behavioral circumstances…
…that’s when you can start to see, “Hey, maybe I’m not the problem here!” and you can give yourself the compassion you deserve.
Take the quiz here & see your results!
Comment “SWINGSET” 👇️below & I’ll send you the free quiz!
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