When Doing Less Is More…

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A post shared by Deanna Beaton ☆ Non-diet Personal Trainer (@deannabeaton)

✳️Perfectionism tells us we have to do everything, instantly, perfectly, and basically change everything about our life overnight. But we’ve tried that, and it hasn’t worked.⁠

So instead of being beholden to this useless voice that tells us to do more… we do less.⁠

If you… ⁠
do yoga two days in a row, ⁠
then stop, ⁠
then a month later attempt to revive your Every Day™ goal, ⁠
do it for two days, ⁠
rinse, and ⁠

then in the course of 3 months, you’ve done approximately 6 days of yoga.⁠

If, however, you decide your minimum baseline is to do 20 minutes of yoga twice a week, it is a much more manageable goal. ⁠

You don’t have to fit it into your schedule every single day, and if you miss a day–no worries!–that’s part of the plan. ⁠

And in one month, you’ve already done more yoga than you would have in 3 months with perfectionism setting the schedule.⁠

So what, exactly, is the point of the minimum baseline? It’s to build a REAL habit. One that is almost effortless (I said ALMOST), that truly fits into your life, that you can achieve and actually WANT to do. ⁠

When we build our habits or intentional actions slowly but surely, week after week, we prove to ourselves that we finally CAN show up for ourselves.⁠

Now, this can take weeks or even months. Don’t rush it. ⁠

It’s not about proving you can get the⁠
minimum baseline perfect; it’s about building trust with yourself.⁠

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