Self-Objectification Is A Prison…

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A post shared by Deanna Beaton ☆ Non-diet Personal Trainer (@deannabeaton)

When was the last time you wore something “unflattering” just because you liked it, or it served a purpose?⁠

Do you think you need to look “put together” to be seen in public?⁠

What are all of the ways you’ve been taught to be pleasant for other people’s sake, disregarding your own internal experiences and feelings?⁠

Can you even imagine how much energy you put into fitting into society’s appearance standards in your lifetime?⁠

What could you do with all that energy?!⁠

Wouldn’t you like to know?⁠

Let’s find out together.⁠

Follow the link in my bio to find out how to work with me to⁠
feel more connected to yourself, your body your purpose, and your life possibilities!⁠

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