NOT Making Wild Claims About Health

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A post shared by Deanna Beaton ☆ Non-diet Personal Trainer (@deannabeaton)

🔥Moving your body is good!*🔥⁠

*Generally, for most people, some of the time, in certain circumstances.⁠

…That doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, does it? Not as snappy. A little less marketable, maybe.⁠

Welp, that’s what I’ve got: ⁠
Nuanced takes on how there is no one-size-fits-all fitness solution.⁠

Want personalized fitness coaching and personal training that doesn’t need to fit anyone BUT you?!⁠

Now THAT I can do!⁠

Looking for a 💥revolutionary💥 re-imagining of movement?!⁠

Intuitive Fitness Coaching might be for you.⁠

I help women and non-binary folks find fitness that fits for you!⁠

DM me “Intuitive Fitness” to learn more.⁠

#bodyconfidence #intuitiveeating #bodydiversity #healthateverysize #haes #nondiet #personaltrainer #nondietpersonaltrainer #plussizepersonaltrainer #fatpersonaltrainer #fatpositive #fatandfit #fitness #bodyneutrality #bodypositivity #fitnessforeverybody #fitnessjourney #joyfulmovement #intuitivemovement #inclusivefitness #bodyliberation #antidiet #ditchthescale #dietculturedropout #selfcare #bodyimage #fitnessforall #emergentstrategy

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