Make Peace With Rest: IM Principle #1

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A post shared by Deanna Beaton ☆ Non-diet Personal Trainer (@deannabeaton)

What if, instead of exercising, you took a nap? Or just sat down and kicked your feet up WITHOUT being on a screen of some kind? How would that make you feel?⁠

Are you thinking, “Are you crazy? Who has time for that?! And why can’t I have my screens? I could sit AND catch up on my emails. Besides, that sounds boring.”⁠

If that’s you, I understand. But if you don’t have time for rest, then you don’t have time for exercise. One is required for living, and the other was invented as a leisure activity thousands of years after humans evolved. (I’ll let you guess which is which.)⁠

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Intuitive Fitness Coaching might be for you.⁠

I help women and non-binary folks find fitness that fits for you!⁠

DM me “Intuitive Fitness” to learn more.⁠

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