🔊Let me shout it from the rooftops!

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A post shared by Deanna Beaton ☆ Non-diet Personal Trainer (@deannabeaton)

📣Let me shout it from the rooftops: ⁠


Toxic Fitness Culture is the problem.⁠

Trying to keep up with exercising while not falling into diet culture is sort of like walking through a minefield.⁠

(Typical fitness spaces are generally a cesspool of diet culture and body hatred disguised as “tough love.” Yuck.)⁠

My clients are f^cking incredible.⁠

They are driven, successful, smart, type-A, perfectionist, I’ll-do-it-myself women & enby’s that are also recovering–or active–control freaks like me. (Hi, Hello, Yes).⁠

It’s what helped us to succeed, so it’s no surprise.⁠

But here’s the thing.⁠

Trying to be a perfectionist control freak about your fitness is what’s kept you swinging between “Disciplined commitment!” and “I haven’t worked out in… a LONG time.”⁠

So it’s no wonder so many “I’ve-got-this-I’ll-just-buckle-down-&-do-it,” folks struggle to figure out the fitness piece–even if they already preach the good word of body positivity.⁠

It’s not you, that you just can’t quite seem to find fitness that is: ⁠
1) ACTUALLY body, size, & weight neutral, ⁠
2) ACTUALLY enjoyable and you look forward to, and ⁠
3) ACTUALLY makes you feel better in the short term and the long term.⁠

My 1:1 Intuitive Fitness Coaching walks you through the 3 frameworks you need to learn how to let go of control WHILE ALSO reaching your fitness goals.⁠

Join me to dodge all the landmines planted in Toxic Fitness Culture and end the war with your body.⁠

To grab my free assessment “Why You Hate Fitness”⁠ 🔗Link in bio⁠

#bodyconfidence #intuitiveeating #bodydiversity #healthateverysize #haes #nondiet #personaltrainer #nondietpersonaltrainer #plussizepersonaltrainer #fatpersonaltrainer #fatpositive #fatandfit #fitness #fitlife #bodyneutrality #bodypositivity #fitnessforeverybody #fitnessjourney #joyfulmovement #intuitivemovement #inclusivefitness #bodyliberation #antidiet #ditchthescale #dietculturedropout #selfcare #bodyimage #fitnessforall @deannabeaton

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