Is exercise a pain?

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A post shared by Deanna Beaton ☆ Non-diet Personal Trainer (@deannabeaton)

🙅‍♀️The way we are taught to think about motivation, energy, exercise, fitness, diet, & body image is all wrong.⁠

None of ^^^those things stand alone.⁠

They are not separate.⁠

You can’t meaningfully address any of these on their own.⁠

They’re each part of an interdependent biosystem.⁠

We’re taught to address them chopped off from everything else.⁠

Intuitive Fitness Coaching gets to the root cause of why fitness feels like a pain in your a$$.⁠

Work with me 1-on-1 to turn exercise into the self-care you know it could be.⁠

#bodyconfidence #intuitiveeating #bodydiversity #healthateverysize #haes #nondiet #personaltrainer #nondietpersonaltrainer #plussizepersonaltrainer #fitness #bodyneutrality #bodypositivity #fitnessforeverybody #inclusivefitness #bodyliberation #antidiet #ditchthescale #dietculturedropout #selfcare #bodyimage #fitnessforall #emergentstrategy #mindset #motivation #healthyhabits⁠ #intuitivemovement #bodyacceptance #joyfulmovement #goals #coaching

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