Intuitive Eating Happens In the Mind AND the Body

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A post shared by Deanna Beaton ☆ Non-diet Personal Trainer (@deannabeaton)

📖Have you read the Intuitive Eating book but just don’t get it?⁠

Can’t seem to apply it?⁠

Don’t know how to start practicing their suggestions?⁠

Tried some activities, but didn’t understand how that was supposed to change anything?⁠

Reading a book can be super helpful, but it can also be hard to turn that knowledge into practice.⁠

That’s where coaching comes in.⁠

I can help you truly incorporate your brain knowledge into body wisdom through Intuitive Eating.⁠

Looking for a 💥revolutionary💥 re-imagining of movement?!⁠

Intuitive Fitness Coaching might be for you.⁠

I help women and non-binary folks find fitness that fits for you!⁠

DM me “Intuitive Fitness” to learn more.⁠

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