“Every Goddamn Day”⁠

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A post shared by Deanna Beaton ☆ Non-diet Personal Trainer (@deannabeaton)

“Every Goddamn Day”⁠
🎭A One Act Play🎟️⁠
🖊️Written by Deanna Beaton⁠
🎬️Directed by Deanna Beaton⁠
⭐️Starring Deanna Beaton⁠
(maybe you can relate?)⁠

Intuitive Fitness Coaching is:⁠
🟡Exercise so that you have options & ideas for how you might want to move your body⁠
🔵Mindset coaching so that you can create your own Blue Fairy⁠
🟣Consistency so that you can incorporate them both into your everyday life (and I do mean EVERY GODDAMN DAY)⁠

Wanna work with me?⁠
DM me “One Act Play” to find out how to work with me 1:1!⁠

#bodyconfidence #intuitiveeating #bodydiversity #healthateverysize #haes #nondiet #personaltrainer #nondietpersonaltrainer #plussizepersonaltrainer #fitness #bodyneutrality #bodypositivity #fitnessforeverybody #inclusivefitness #bodyliberation #antidiet #ditchthescale #dietculturedropout #selfcare #bodyimage #fitnessforall #emergentstrategy #mindset #motivation #healthyhabits⁠ #intuitivemovement #bodyacceptance #joyfulmovement #goals #coaching

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