Benefits of movement

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A post shared by Deanna Beaton ☆ Non-diet Personal Trainer (@deannabeaton)

If you want the 📅consistent movement habit, EVEN IF it isn’t the 💪sexy version society tells us it’s supposed to look like, then you’re infinitely more likely to get the benefits of regular exercise.⁠

You know why?🤔⁠

Because if that is your mindset, then you are infinitely more likely TO ACTUALLY EXERCISE REGULARLY! ⁠

If, however, you DON’T want a consistent movement habit UNLESS it looks like what Toxic Fitness Culture has taught us the “one right way” to exercise is supposed to look like, you’re unlikely to ever build that consistent habit, become that person, and get the benefits of regular exercise.⁠

You know why?🤷‍♀️⁠

Because that is WAY too much pressure to be perfect🙅‍♀️, that’s way too many opportunities (guarantees, even) to fail, it won’t be enjoyable enough to maintain, and it is the perfect recipe for burnout.⁠

If that is your mindset, you are very UNlikely to exercise regularly, so you won’t get the benefits!⁠

Buying into TFC’s “one right way” to exercise in order for it to “count” is a mindset that sets you up for failure, creates an inherently unhealthy relationship to exercise, and is actually the biggest hurdle to creating a consistent movement habit.⁠

Want to learn more?⁠

Work with me 1-on-1 in Intuitive Fitness Coaching.⁠

I help women and non-binary folks find fitness that fits for you!⁠

DM me “HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP” to learn more.⁠

#nondiet #mindset #motivation #healthyhabits⁠ #intuitivemovement #intuitiveeating #bodyneutrality #bodypositivity #bodyacceptance #joyfulmovement #goals #coaching #fitness

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