Are you as desperate as I am?🏳️

🔥“This is fine.” –> “Fuck it, we ball.”🏀

I’m tired of my cotton candy melting away…

IDK about you, Deanna, but lately I have been desperate.

Desperate to touch grass.

Desperate for small talk with kind strangers.

Desperate for adventures with others.

Desperate for a glimmer of hope about the future.

Desperate to speak to others with an understanding that we live in the same universe.
Desperate to be allowed the privilege of fucking around without finding out that–whoops–that actually made the world collapse.

Desperate to stop unconsciously opening an app, looking for uber-temporary entertainment and distraction.

Desperate to see the fruits of my labor.

Desperate for REAL THINGS.

Not cotton candy melting away, clouds dissipating, band aid fix-its.

Not fictional fantasies that pass the time.

And I’ve been desperate for all of it long enough that the scales have tipped from “This is fine,” to “Fuck it, we ball.”

The fear of the unknown, of rejection, of failure IS LESS than the fear of staying where I am.

That is how change happens.

Or rather, that is how change starts.

And I think you might feel like that, too?

I think anyone who is interested in healing their relationship to health, fitness, food, & body image has a tendency to be desperate for REAL THINGS.

Because we’ve been sold the lie that the body hierarchy is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing, and we’ve spent our lives trying to adhere to it the best we could, (& probably failed most of the time)… but that’s not real.

The body hierarchy is an invention. It exists only in our collective minds.

It manifests in very real ways, but IT doesn’t exist.

But your body, it very much exists. Your mind, your heart, your spirit, they all VERY MUCH exist.

And part of why you found me is because you are desperate for more than what mainstream society is providing.

You want the REAL feeling of strength, of fulfillment, of power, of agency, of authenticity.

The REAL pride of accomplishment after pushing yourself.

The REAL growth of setting and achieving goals.

The REAL alignment of knowing what matters to you and choosing that every time.

Because you know you’re here on Earth for a reason, and that reason absolutely cannot be to simply adhere to invented rules, be a wheel in a cog, and then die. You might not know what the reason is, but you know it can’t be that.

But that is how society is set up.

However, you’re here with me, so you’re already well on your way to breaking free from that daze, if you’ve not already fully escaped.

So the ALL IMPORTANT question is: what else is there?

The power is in your hands.

What else do you want there to be?

What do you want to do with your time? What do you want to do with your tool on this earth–your body?

Why are you here? What do you want to try while you’re here?

How can you spend your time, energy, life force answering and acting on these questions?

Personally, I want:

  • Food, friends, free time, work, sweat, tears that FEED MY SOUL.
  • To read fiction* and eat fresh fruit in the grass.
  • Cuddles with my friends and follow up questions about their lives.
  • To experience a Georges Seurat painting in the museum, surrounded by other people experiencing the same thing at the same time; some people investigating his pointillism for the first time, others studying it for the 100th.
  • Bowling with new acquaintances, to drink a hard cider, and have an equal number of strikes and gutter balls.
  • To volunteer at a park clean-up, and work alongside dozens of people I don’t know, except I know we all collectively decided this is important.

So I’ll be totally honest: part of the work I do–and the work I want to do–is to help others also realize that being desperate for REAL things is your soul begging you to stop succumbing to distractions and “addictions” (see: The State of the Culture article link at the bottom of the email for context*). Studies have shown, and whistleblowers have proven, that our time on social media is destroying our health all around.


And they know that. And they count on that. So they can hack the reward centers of our brain to also provide temporary solutions. (Think: in the long term smoking makes you cough, but it also temporarily makes you stop in the moments you are smoking.)

You can’t hear your intuition when your brain is living like this. Your body wisdom needs time & space to communicate with you, and our FAKE, distraction-filled lives prevent exactly that.

On purpose.

So, I want to thank you for being on my email list (I appreciate more than you can know!), where I can share more than 7 second sound bites & misleading, shocking, scroll-stopping hooks. And please know I am always trying to share things with you that I find deeply valuable. I hope you find them even slightly so.

And quite frankly, I want to lure you, your friends, your loved ones, your comrades off of social media and into REALITY, not for my gain, but so that everyone can re-discover the wisdom of their own intuition. So you can give yourself what you really want and need.

I don’t want you to be addicted to me or my “content” 🤢. I want you to come and go as you please, at your own pace. Take what you need, leave what you don’t.

I don’t want to sell you the temporary fix to the problem I caused.

I don’t want to cause you any problems.

I want to help you realize that you can solve a lot of problems other people, systems, & cultures have put on you.

But you probably can’t do it while still consuming their poison.

(Just to be abundantly clear: I am NOT a truther, off-the-grid-er, or conspiracy theorist. I was in a therapy session on January 6th. I am NOT about to slowly attempt to convert you to a TradWife or any other cults.)

I am here to preach the gospel of science, critical thinking skills, & healthy self-esteem.

In light of alllll of that, I am planning on pivoting to be on Instagram less, and instead find ways to connect and share with you all in other, more REAL feeling ways!

I am working on starting a podcast, where I will of course cover everything you’d expect:

  • Intuitive Movement
  • Intuitive Eating
  • Body Image
  • Mindset Coaching

But I would also LOVE to hear from you what you would like me to discuss, answer, explain, or generally get into the weeds on!

If you have ANY questions or topics you’d like to either hear about OR join me and tell me about (it doesn’t even have to be explicitly about any of those 4 pillars) please let me know!

  • Questions weighing on you
  • Confusion you just can’t get clear about
  • Skepticism about anything
  • YOU have an expertise or knowledge you think would be helpful
  • Topics or types of messages you find inspirational or hopeful
  • Anything at all, let me know!



*Not to be dramatic, but this is the kind of shit I read. When I tell you I need FICTION in my life, this is what I’m up against. It’s a problem.
The State of the Culture
Amusing Ourselves to Death
Distracting Ourselves to Death

More to explore